Cardiac Catheterization : Methods, Diagnosis and Therapy (9780721630649)

Comprehensive and clinically oriented, this brand-new reference updates the rapidly advancing field of cardiac catheterization and angiography. It offers state-of-the-art information on the very latest diagnostic and therapeutic techniques developed over the past decade. The text is divided into three sections - methods, diagnosis, and therapy. For each area of discussion, the text covers modern techniques for intravascular and intracardiac acquisition and interpretation of cardiovascular physiologic signals. It highlights contemporary methods for the performance, quantification, and interpretation of cardiac and pulmonary angiographic images. It also provides in-depth coverage of cardiac and pulmonary physiology, pathophysiology and pathoanatomy as revealed by cardiac catheterization and angiography. Finally, the text reviews basic interventional techniques using catheter technology for the treatment of common cardiac disease processes in adults, including obstructive coronary atherosclerosis, valvular stenosis, cardiac arrhythmias, and more. The result is an exhaustively comprehensive and authoritative multi-authored text.

Product details

  • Hardback | 655 pages
  • 184 x 260 x 31.75mm | 1,650g
  • Saunders (W.B.) Co Ltd
  • London, United Kingdom
  • English
  • 610 ills (15 in full color)
  • 0721630642
  • 9780721630649

Download Cardiac Catheterization : Methods, Diagnosis and Therapy (9780721630649).pdf, available at for free.



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