A Geographical, Historical, and Typographical Description of Van Diemen's Land; With Important Hints to Emigrants, and Useful Information Respecting the Application for Grants of Land ... Embellished by a Correct View of Hobart Town, (9781130517224)

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1822 edition. Excerpt: ...weight.--The sheep are chiefly a cross between the Teeswater breed and that of the Cape of Good Hope.--The poultry are exceedingly fine, being of a species between the Malay and the English, and uniting the size of the one with the flavour of the other. The wild animals consist of the kangaroo, the emu, the opossum, the squirrel, the bandycoot, the kangaroo-rat, and the opossum-hyena: but few ofthe latter have been seen. It is remarked by Mr. Went worth that, in the animal kingdom, there is scarcely any variation between this island and New Holland. The native dog, indeed, he observes, is unknown here; but there is an animal of the panther tribe in its stead, which, though not found in such numbers as the native dog is in New Holland, commits dreadful havoc among the flocks. It is true that its ravages are not so frequent; but, when they happen, they are more extensive. This animal is of a considerable size, and has been known, in some few instances, to measure six feet and a half from the tip of the nose to the extremity of the tail. Still it is cowardly, and by no means formidable to man: indeed, unless when taken by surprize, it invariably flees from his approach. Labillardiere, in his notices of the natural history of this island, describes the kangaroo as living in burrows like a rabbit. He saw the sea-calf of the species called phoca tnonachus; a new species of parroquet, represented and described by him under the name of the parroquet of Cape Diemen; and another of merops, described by White.--In the feathered tribes there is but little diversity between this island and New Holland. The wattle-bird, which is about the size of a snipe, is here reckoned a great delicacy. The seas and rivers abound with the same species of fish; but oysters...

Product details

  • Paperback | 34 pages
  • 189 x 246 x 2mm | 82g
  • Miami Fl, United States
  • English
  • black & white illustrations
  • 1130517225
  • 9781130517224

Download A Geographical, Historical, and Typographical Description of Van Diemen's Land; With Important Hints to Emigrants, and Useful Information Respecting the Application for Grants of Land ... Embellished by a Correct View of Hobart Town, (9781130517224).pdf, available at redbeam.me for free.



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