Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics (9781405194662)

Fully revised and expanded, the third edition of Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics maintains a balance of accessibility and scholarly rigor to provide students with a complete introduction to the physics of speech. * Newly updated to reflect the latest advances in the field * Features a balanced and student-friendly approach to speech, with engaging side-bars on related topics * Includes suggested readings and exercises designed to review and expand upon the material in each chapter, complete with selected answers * Presents a new chapter on speech perception that addresses theoretical issues as well as practical concerns

Product details

  • Paperback | 232 pages
  • 173 x 243 x 13mm | 420g
  • Wiley-Blackwell (an imprint of John Wiley & Sons Ltd)
  • Chicester, United Kingdom
  • English
  • 3rd Edition
  • 1405194669
  • 9781405194662
  • 148,446

Download Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics (9781405194662).pdf, available at for free.



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